Forecasting Mortality Rates: Unveiling Patterns with a PCA-GEE Approach


Reza Dastranj

Martin Kolář


April 24, 2024


Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a widely used technique in exploratory data analysis, visualization, and data preprocessing, leveraging the concept of variance to identify key dimensions in datasets. In this study, we focus on the first principal component, which represents the direction maximizing the variance of projected data. We extend the application of PCA by treating its first principal component as a covariate and integrating it with Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) for analyzing age-specific death rates (ASDRs) in longitudinal datasets. GEE models are chosen for their robustness in handling correlated data, particularly suited for situations where traditional models assume independence among observations, which may not hold true in longitudinal data. We propose distinct GEE models tailored for single and multipopulation ASDRs, accommodating various correlation structures such as independence, AR(1), and exchangeable, thus offering a comprehensive evaluation of model efficiency. Our study critically evaluates the strengths and limitations of GEE models in mortality forecasting, providing empirical evidence through detailed model specifications and practical illustrations. We compare the forecast accuracy of our PCA-GEE approach with the Li-Lee and Lee-Carter models, demonstrating its superior predictive performance. Our findings contribute to an enhanced understanding of the nuanced capabilities of GEE models in mortality rate prediction, highlighting the potential of integrating PCA with GEE for improved forecasting accuracy and reliability.

Keywords: Mortality forecasting, Longitudinal analysis, Generalized estimating equations, Principal component analysis, Random walks with drift.

For more details, refer to the related paper: Forecasting Mortality Rates: Unveiling Patterns with a PCA-GEE Approach:


Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic

Load packages

First, load the packages to be used

library(data.table)     # Efficient data manipulation
library(dplyr)          # Data manipulation and transformation
library(ggplot2)        # Data visualization
library(HMDHFDplus)     # Human Mortality Database-related functions
library(tidyverse)      # Collection of tidyverse packages
library(forecast)       # Time series forecasting
library(geepack)        # Generalized Estimating Equation Package


Importing the dataset containing log(q_{cgxt}) values for males and females from AUT (Austria) and CZE (Czech Republic)

List of Dataset Filenames

# log(q_{cgxt}) values for the years 1991 to 2019
# log(q_{cgxt}) values for the years 1991 to 2010
M0 <- dat

# Combine matrices horizontally (column-bind) to form a single matrix (MB0)
MB0 <-, M0)

# Initialize matrices for training set
M <- dattrn
MB <-, M)

Construction of ASDRs DataFrame for Training Set

# Initialize vectors for training set

t <- 20

# Initialize an empty list 'kcList' to store individual elements of kc
kcList <- list()

# Iterate through pairs of matrices in M
for (i in c(1,3)) {
  # Extract matrices corresponding to the pairs
  matrix1 <- M[[i]]
  matrix2 <- M[[i + 1]]
  # Combine the first 31 columns of each matrix, calculate PC1s, and replicate them 31 times
  result1 <- rep(prcomp(cbind(matrix1[, 1:31], matrix2[, 1:31]),center = F,scale. = F)$x[,1], times = 31)
  # Combine the last 30 columns of each matrix, calculate PC1s, and replicate them 30 times
  result2 <- rep(prcomp(cbind(matrix1[, 32:61], matrix2[, 32:61]),center = F,scale. = F)$x[,1], times = 30)
  # Repeat the results 2 times and append to kcList
  kcList <- c(kcList, rep(c(result1,result2),2))

# Combine all elements in kcList into a single vector 'kc1'
kc1 <- unlist(kcList)

# Create a new vector 'kc2' by squaring each element in 'kc1'
kc2 <- kc1^2

yngold0 <- c("Group[20,50]","Group[51,80]")
yngold <- rep(c(rep("Group[20,50]",t*31),rep("Group[51,80]",t*30)),4)



year <- rep(1991:2010, times = 4*61)

age_levels <- factor(20:80)
age <- rep(20:80, each = t,times=4)

cohort <- year - age

# Combine results into data frame for training set
ASDRs <- data.frame(kc1,kc2, cohort, y = as.vector(MB),
                    age,gender,Country,year, yngold,
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Convert factors to specified levels

ASDRs$age <- factor(ASDRs$age, levels = age_levels)
ASDRs$gender <- factor(ASDRs$gender, levels = c("Female","Male"))
ASDRs$Country <- factor(ASDRs$Country, levels = c("AUT","CZE"))
# Display the structure of the resulting data frame
'data.frame':   4880 obs. of  11 variables:
 $ kc1    : num  -52.6 -52.8 -52.7 -52.7 -53.3 ...
 $ kc2    : num  2764 2786 2776 2782 2840 ...
 $ cohort : int  1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 ...
 $ y      : num  -7.81 -7.59 -7.74 -7.84 -7.77 ...
 $ age    : Factor w/ 61 levels "20","21","22",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ gender : Factor w/ 2 levels "Female","Male": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Country: Factor w/ 2 levels "AUT","CZE": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ year   : int  1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 ...
 $ yngold : chr  "Group[20,50]" "Group[20,50]" "Group[20,50]" "Group[20,50]" ...
 $ agenum : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ subject: Factor w/ 244 levels "AUT.Female.20",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
# Display the first 20 rows of the resulting data frame
         kc1      kc2 cohort         y age gender Country year       yngold
1  -52.57162 2763.775   1971 -7.814986  20 Female     AUT 1991 Group[20,50]
2  -52.78710 2786.477   1972 -7.594639  20 Female     AUT 1992 Group[20,50]
3  -52.69012 2776.249   1973 -7.741198  20 Female     AUT 1993 Group[20,50]
4  -52.74255 2781.776   1974 -7.839658  20 Female     AUT 1994 Group[20,50]
5  -53.28924 2839.744   1975 -7.768802  20 Female     AUT 1995 Group[20,50]
6  -53.69821 2883.498   1976 -7.754846  20 Female     AUT 1996 Group[20,50]
7  -54.31135 2949.723   1977 -8.144581  20 Female     AUT 1997 Group[20,50]
8  -54.60185 2981.362   1978 -8.301918  20 Female     AUT 1998 Group[20,50]
9  -54.32011 2950.674   1979 -8.071289  20 Female     AUT 1999 Group[20,50]
10 -54.49995 2970.244   1980 -8.091795  20 Female     AUT 2000 Group[20,50]
11 -54.94528 3018.984   1981 -8.087090  20 Female     AUT 2001 Group[20,50]
12 -55.16273 3042.927   1982 -8.051818  20 Female     AUT 2002 Group[20,50]
13 -55.38255 3067.227   1983 -8.112720  20 Female     AUT 2003 Group[20,50]
14 -55.92122 3127.183   1984 -8.326655  20 Female     AUT 2004 Group[20,50]
15 -55.93933 3129.208   1985 -8.417037  20 Female     AUT 2005 Group[20,50]
16 -56.32996 3173.064   1986 -7.806460  20 Female     AUT 2006 Group[20,50]
17 -56.71420 3216.500   1987 -8.095340  20 Female     AUT 2007 Group[20,50]
18 -56.91176 3238.948   1988 -8.333911  20 Female     AUT 2008 Group[20,50]
19 -56.74215 3219.672   1989 -8.262198  20 Female     AUT 2009 Group[20,50]
20 -56.76776 3222.579   1990 -8.120577  20 Female     AUT 2010 Group[20,50]
   agenum       subject
1       1 AUT.Female.20
2       1 AUT.Female.20
3       1 AUT.Female.20
4       1 AUT.Female.20
5       1 AUT.Female.20
6       1 AUT.Female.20
7       1 AUT.Female.20
8       1 AUT.Female.20
9       1 AUT.Female.20
10      1 AUT.Female.20
11      1 AUT.Female.20
12      1 AUT.Female.20
13      1 AUT.Female.20
14      1 AUT.Female.20
15      1 AUT.Female.20
16      1 AUT.Female.20
17      1 AUT.Female.20
18      1 AUT.Female.20
19      1 AUT.Female.20
20      1 AUT.Female.20

Plot of \(k_{ct}\)

# Create a new data frame ASDRsnw with adjusted Age and year columns
ASDRsnw <- ASDRs %>%
  mutate(year = as.numeric(as.character(year)))
        kc1      kc2 cohort         y age gender Country year       yngold
1 -52.57162 2763.775   1971 -7.814986  20 Female     AUT 1991 Group[20,50]
2 -52.78710 2786.477   1972 -7.594639  20 Female     AUT 1992 Group[20,50]
3 -52.69012 2776.249   1973 -7.741198  20 Female     AUT 1993 Group[20,50]
4 -52.74255 2781.776   1974 -7.839658  20 Female     AUT 1994 Group[20,50]
5 -53.28924 2839.744   1975 -7.768802  20 Female     AUT 1995 Group[20,50]
6 -53.69821 2883.498   1976 -7.754846  20 Female     AUT 1996 Group[20,50]
  agenum       subject
1      1 AUT.Female.20
2      1 AUT.Female.20
3      1 AUT.Female.20
4      1 AUT.Female.20
5      1 AUT.Female.20
6      1 AUT.Female.20
ggplot(ASDRsnw) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("Group[20,50]" = "red","Group[51,80]"="blue"))+
  xlab("Year") +  ylab("Value")+ facet_grid(~Country)+
  theme_bw()+guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size =3)))+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1))+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 20))+
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 25))+
  theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 35)) +
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 25))     +
  theme(strip.text = element_text(size = 35))+

Fitting Three GEE Models using the geeglm Function

# Fit GEE model with independence correlation structure

geeInd <- geeglm(y ~ Country+gender+age+
                 data = ASDRs,id=subject ,
                 waves = year, corstr ="independence",
                 weights = agenum/mean(agenum))

# geeInd
# coef(geeInd)
# vcov(geeInd)
# summary(geeInd)
# coef(summary(geeInd))

Analysis of 'Wald statistic' Table
Model: gaussian, link: identity
Response: y
Terms added sequentially (first to last)

                Df    X2 P(>|Chi|)    
Country          1     3   0.07455 .  
gender           1    16 8.088e-05 ***
age             60 78159 < 2.2e-16 ***
cohort           1  5485 < 2.2e-16 ***
gender:age:kc1 122  4986 < 2.2e-16 ***
gender:age:kc2 122 59335 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Fit GEE model with exchangeable correlation structure

geeEx<-geeglm(y ~ Country+gender+age+
              data = ASDRs,id=subject ,
              waves = year, corstr ="exchangeable",
              weights = agenum/mean(agenum))

# geeEx
# coef(geeEx)
# vcov(geeEx)
# summary(geeEx)
# coef(summary(geeEx))
Analysis of 'Wald statistic' Table
Model: gaussian, link: identity
Response: y
Terms added sequentially (first to last)

                Df    X2 P(>|Chi|)    
Country          1     3   0.07455 .  
gender           1    16 8.088e-05 ***
age             60 78159 < 2.2e-16 ***
cohort           1  5485 < 2.2e-16 ***
gender:age:kc1 122  4251 < 2.2e-16 ***
gender:age:kc2 122 20730 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Fit GEE model with AR(1) correlation structure

geeAr1<-geeglm(y ~ Country+gender+age+
              data = ASDRs,id=subject ,
              waves = year, corstr ="ar1",
              weights = agenum/mean(agenum))

# geeAr1
# coef(geeAr1)
# vcov(geeAr1)
# summary(geeAr1)
# coef(summary(geeAr1))
Analysis of 'Wald statistic' Table
Model: gaussian, link: identity
Response: y
Terms added sequentially (first to last)

                Df    X2 P(>|Chi|)    
Country          1     3   0.07654 .  
gender           1    16 6.832e-05 ***
age             60 78155 < 2.2e-16 ***
cohort           1  4353 < 2.2e-16 ***
gender:age:kc1 122  5589 < 2.2e-16 ***
gender:age:kc2 122 70307 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


        QIC        QICu   Quasi Lik         CIC      params        QICC 
  530.03539   677.52408   -30.76204   234.25566   308.00000 -2398.33384 
        QIC        QICu   Quasi Lik         CIC      params        QICC 
  621.67727   677.89372   -30.94686   279.89177   308.00000 -2281.05001 
       QIC       QICu  Quasi Lik        CIC     params       QICC 
  536.3965   677.5224   -30.7612   237.4371   308.0000 -2366.3307 
ASDRs$fit <- predict(geeAr1,ASDRs)

Creation of New Dataset for the GEE Model Prediction

# Initialize vectors for test set


kcList <- list()

# Iterate through pairs of matrices in M, combining and calculating PC1s for specific columns
for (i in c(1, 3)) {
  matrix1 <- M[[i]]
  matrix2 <- M[[i + 1]] # Adjust the index to access the second matrix
  kcList <- c(kcList, prcomp(cbind(matrix1[, 1:31], matrix2[, 1:31]),center = F,scale. = F)$x[,1])
  kcList <- c(kcList, prcomp(cbind(matrix1[, 32:61], matrix2[, 32:61]),center = F,scale. = F)$x[,1])

# Combine all elements in kcList into a single vector 'kc0'
kc0 <- unlist(kcList)

# Initialize an empty vector 'ar' for storing forecasted values
ar <- c()

# Iterate through 4 subsets of kc0 to forecast future values using random walk with drift
for (i in 1:4) {
  # Extract a subset of kc0 for the current iteration
  subset_kc0 <- kc0[((i - 1) * 20 + 1):(i * 20)]
  # Forecast the next 9 values using random walk with drift
  kc_forecast <- rwf(subset_kc0, h = 9, drift = TRUE, level = c(80, 95))
  # Extract the mean values from the forecast and append to 'ar'
  ar <- append(ar, kc_forecast$mean[1:9])

# Initialize an empty list 'kcList' for storing individual elements of kc
kcList <- list()

# Define the sequence of indices for iterating through 'ar'
indices <- seq(1, length(ar), by = 18)

# Iterate through the indices, combining and replicating blocks of 'ar'
for (i in indices) {
  # Extract two consecutive blocks of 'ar'
  ar1 <- ar[i:(i + 8)]
  ar2 <- ar[(i + 9):(i + 17)]
  # Replicate and combine the blocks according to the specified pattern
  result1 <- rep(c(rep(ar1, 31), rep(ar2, 30)), 2)
  # Append the result to 'kcList'
  kcList <- c(kcList, result1)

# Combine all elements in kcList into a single vector 'kc1'
kc1 <- unlist(kcList)

# Create a new vector 'kc2' by squaring each element in 'kc1'
kc2 <- kc1^2




year <- rep(2011:2019, times = 4*61)

age_levels <- factor(20:80)
age <- rep(20:80, each = 9,times=4)

cohort <- year - age

# Combine results into data frame for test set
newASDRs <- data.frame(kc1,kc2,cohort,y = as.vector(MB0[21:29,]), 
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Convert factors to specified levels
newASDRs$age <- factor(newASDRs$age, levels = age_levels)
newASDRs$gender <- factor(newASDRs$gender, levels = c("Female","Male"))
newASDRs$Country <- factor(newASDRs$Country, levels = c("AUT","CZE"))
newASDRs$year <- factor(newASDRs$year, levels = 2011:2019)
        kc1      kc2 cohort         y age gender Country year       subject
1 -56.98861 3247.702   1991 -8.203736  20 Female     AUT 2011 AUT.Female.20
2 -57.20946 3272.922   1992 -8.360868  20 Female     AUT 2012 AUT.Female.20
3 -57.43031 3298.240   1993 -8.453021  20 Female     AUT 2013 AUT.Female.20
4 -57.65116 3323.656   1994 -7.950517  20 Female     AUT 2014 AUT.Female.20
5 -57.87201 3349.169   1995 -7.880170  20 Female     AUT 2015 AUT.Female.20
6 -58.09286 3374.780   1996 -8.740797  20 Female     AUT 2016 AUT.Female.20
# Add predictions using the GEE model

newASDRs$pred <- predict(geeAr1, newdata = newASDRs)

Calculate 95% prediction intervals using the geeAr1 model on newASDRs

# Generate the model matrix for the GEE model terms on the newASDRs data
model_matrix_gee <- model.matrix(terms(geeAr1), newASDRs)

# Calculate the predicted mortality rates based on the GEE model coefficients
newASDRs$predicted_rate_gee <- model_matrix_gee %*% coef(geeAr1)

# Calculate the standard errors of the predicted rates
predicted_rate_variance_gee <- diag(model_matrix_gee %*% tcrossprod(geeAr1$geese$vbeta, model_matrix_gee))

# Create a data frame to store the results, including lower and upper bounds of the prediction interval
newASDRs <- data.frame(
  lower_bound_gee = newASDRs$predicted_rate_gee - 2 * sqrt(predicted_rate_variance_gee),
  upper_bound_gee = newASDRs$predicted_rate_gee + 2 * sqrt(predicted_rate_variance_gee)

# Display the head of the new data frame with predicted rates and prediction intervals
         kc1      kc2 cohort         y age gender Country year       subject
1  -56.98861 3247.702   1991 -8.203736  20 Female     AUT 2011 AUT.Female.20
2  -57.20946 3272.922   1992 -8.360868  20 Female     AUT 2012 AUT.Female.20
3  -57.43031 3298.240   1993 -8.453021  20 Female     AUT 2013 AUT.Female.20
4  -57.65116 3323.656   1994 -7.950517  20 Female     AUT 2014 AUT.Female.20
5  -57.87201 3349.169   1995 -7.880170  20 Female     AUT 2015 AUT.Female.20
6  -58.09286 3374.780   1996 -8.740797  20 Female     AUT 2016 AUT.Female.20
7  -58.31371 3400.488   1997 -8.741477  20 Female     AUT 2017 AUT.Female.20
8  -58.53456 3426.294   1998 -8.821981  20 Female     AUT 2018 AUT.Female.20
9  -58.75540 3452.198   1999 -8.793922  20 Female     AUT 2019 AUT.Female.20
10 -56.98861 3247.702   1990 -8.073789  21 Female     AUT 2011 AUT.Female.21
11 -57.20946 3272.922   1991 -8.786423  21 Female     AUT 2012 AUT.Female.21
12 -57.43031 3298.240   1992 -8.570196  21 Female     AUT 2013 AUT.Female.21
13 -57.65116 3323.656   1993 -8.797106  21 Female     AUT 2014 AUT.Female.21
14 -57.87201 3349.169   1994 -8.384998  21 Female     AUT 2015 AUT.Female.21
15 -58.09286 3374.780   1995 -8.656561  21 Female     AUT 2016 AUT.Female.21
16 -58.31371 3400.488   1996 -8.540702  21 Female     AUT 2017 AUT.Female.21
17 -58.53456 3426.294   1997 -8.895762  21 Female     AUT 2018 AUT.Female.21
18 -58.75540 3452.198   1998 -8.592040  21 Female     AUT 2019 AUT.Female.21
19 -56.98861 3247.702   1989 -8.027580  22 Female     AUT 2011 AUT.Female.22
20 -57.20946 3272.922   1990 -8.227243  22 Female     AUT 2012 AUT.Female.22
        pred predicted_rate_gee lower_bound_gee upper_bound_gee
1  -8.226425          -8.226425       -8.284477       -8.168374
2  -8.229857          -8.229857       -8.306720       -8.152994
3  -8.232250          -8.232250       -8.329388       -8.135111
4  -8.233604          -8.233604       -8.352269       -8.114938
5  -8.233919          -8.233919       -8.375269       -8.092570
6  -8.233196          -8.233196       -8.398340       -8.068052
7  -8.231434          -8.231434       -8.421457       -8.041411
8  -8.228634          -8.228634       -8.444607       -8.012661
9  -8.224795          -8.224795       -8.467780       -7.981809
10 -8.244001          -8.244001       -8.419180       -8.068821
11 -8.239688          -8.239688       -8.434427       -8.044950
12 -8.233863          -8.233863       -8.450769       -8.016958
13 -8.226527          -8.226527       -8.468114       -7.984940
14 -8.217678          -8.217678       -8.486369       -7.948986
15 -8.207317          -8.207317       -8.505453       -7.909181
16 -8.195444          -8.195444       -8.525292       -7.865597
17 -8.182059          -8.182059       -8.545824       -7.818294
18 -8.167163          -8.167163       -8.567000       -7.767325
19 -8.342014          -8.342014       -8.583276       -8.100753
20 -8.349048          -8.349048       -8.597385       -8.100711

Evaluating Forecast Accuracy: Mean Squared Error for GEE Model Predictions

# Compute Mean Squared Error (MSE) for GEE Model Forecasting

# Initialize an empty vector to store MSE values

MSE_test_gee <- c()

# Iterate through the 4 data sets of predictions

for (n in 1:4) {
  # Extract predicted values for the specific set (9 years, 61 observations each)
  gee_predictions <- exp(matrix(newASDRs$pred[(((n - 1) * (9 * 61)) + 1):(n * (9 * 61))], 9, 61, byrow = FALSE))
  # Extract actual values for the corresponding set
  actual_values <- exp(M0[[n]][21:29,])
  # Calculate the residuals (prediction errors)
  gee_errors <- actual_values - gee_predictions
  # Compute MSE for the set and append to the vector
  MSE_test_gee_n <- sum(gee_errors[, 1:61]^2) / (61 * 9)
  MSE_test_gee <- append(MSE_test_gee, MSE_test_gee_n)

# Display the vector of MSE values

[1] 1.091168e-06 1.824458e-06 6.053648e-07 2.280630e-06